Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Passwords for the Month of October

こんげつ  の  あいことば   今月の合言葉  (10月)じゅうがつ

Teacher                                 Student
先生(せんせい)                 生徒(せいと)

こんにちは。                       こんにちは。

おなまえは。                      xxxxxです。

あいことば  は  なんですか。     Please check the passwords from 
                                                                                the following videos.

This month, I prepared for two versions of the passwords.  Which passwords do you like?  (The first one is easier.)

ハロウィーン バージョン


Word(s) of the Month for October


七面鳥 しちめんちょう (Shichimenchou) - Turkey



    感謝祭(かんしゃさい)-Thanksgiving Day 食べます(たべます)- Eat   
    おいしそう- Sounds Yummy!

仮装 かそう  (Kasou) - dressing up, disguising oneself


    何(なに)- What  幽霊(ゆうれい)- Ghost

悪戯 いたずら (Itazura) - Trick


    お菓子(おかし)- Treats


Song of the Month for October


ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 (げげげのきたろう)

GeGeGe no Kitarō (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) is a manga series created in 1959 by Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster to which all of the main characters belong. It has been adapted for the screen several times, as anime, live action and video games. A new anime series has been made every decade since 1968 ( ...read more). (reference: Wikipedia)

Questions 質問(しつもん)
1. Which version's (series's) song is the best for you?
2. How many words can you find in this song?

第1シリーズ (1968-1969)  


第3シリーズ (1985-1988)

第4シリーズ (1996-1998)

第5シリーズ (2007-2009)



ゲッゲッ  ゲゲゲのゲ
ゲッゲッ  ゲゲゲのゲ

ゲッゲッ  ゲゲゲのゲ
ゲッゲッ ゲゲゲのゲ

ゲッゲッ  ゲゲゲのゲ
ゲッゲッ  ゲゲゲのゲ

Friday, September 17, 2010

To Celebrate the Beginning of Fall - Party

A new season has begun. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.

To celebrate the beginning of Fall, I would like to host "a welcome back party" this month at MUN. This is “a free event” and anyone can participate. Feel free to bring your friends and family to this event.

Date: Friday, September 24th

Time: 7:00 pm- 10 pm (Door opens 6:30 pm, 6:30 pm -7:00 pm: Free Time/Social Time)

Place: Room A-1043, Arts and Administration Building Annex, MUN

Cost: Free, however, please bring an item of snack food to share.

Activities – I am still in the process of planning activities. Please let me know if you have any ideas for activities. (Probably, we will play a bingo game ("prizes"), janken game, quizes and watch a Japanese movie.)

I need to know how many of you are thinking of attending this event. Please let me know by Monday 20th. Don’t hesitate write me if you have any questions about anything in this email. (ohara.nami@gmail.com)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Harvest Moon in the Middle of Autumn

The best views of the moon are visible mid autumn. In Japan, we have moon viewing parties called Otsukimi which literally means viewing the moon.

Some of my students and I made some origami for the display of the Moon Viewing.

Tom-kun made うさぎ.
Brandon-kun made おさんぼう and だんご.

Catherine-san made りす.

Evelina-san made きつね.

Tiffany-san made うさぎ.

Please let me know if you would like to make something which is related to the moon viewing with Origami.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Word of the Month for September

こんげつのたんご (今月の単語)

    秋 (あき) =   autumn

もう秋ですね。 It's already autumn, isn't it?

紅葉(もみじ)Japanese Maple