Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kanji of the Month - February

今月の漢字 こんげつ の かんじ
おんよみ = がつ  げつ
              くんよみ =  つき

             かきじゅん(the stroke order )

                                           つき)moon, month



                            今(こんげつ)this month

          来(らいげつ)next month

                            毎(まいつき)every month   
                            お正(おしょうがつ)New Year's holiday

Word of the Month - February 


残念(ざんねん disappointing, regrettable


くじびき(a draw):  おめでとうございます。「あたり」です。ざんねんでした。「はずれ」です。
*あたり  - winning   はずれ - blank, losing

*ふぶき - snow storm がっこう - school やすみ - closure (of a school)

せいと:おなかがすきました。「おやつ 」を ください。
せんせい:ざんねんです。 おやつ は ありません。
*おやつ - refreshment, snack, between-meals

せんせい:「こんげつ の あいことば」は なんですか。
せいと:    わかりません。
*こんげつ の あいことば - passwords for the month

せいと:「しゅくだい」 を わすれました。
*しゅくだい - homework  わすれました - forgot to do

せいと:「きょうかしょ 」を わすれました。
*きょうかしょ - textbook

せいと:「げっしゃ」 を わすれました。
*げっしゃ - a monthly tutorial fee

Passwords for the Month of February, 2011

こんげつ の あいことば(にがつ)


先生(せんせい)       生徒(せいと)

                        こんにちは。                          こんにちは。xxxxxです。       

あいことば は なんですか。  xxxxxxxx


You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 3 (the hardest) from the phrases below.

Level 1.  おに は そと。 ふく は うち。

Level 2. せつぶん です。 おに は そと。 ふく は うち。

Level 3. 2がつ3っか は せつぶん です。 おに は そと。ふく は うち。

On February 3rd, Setsubun (節分、せつぶん)will be celebrated throughout Japan (日本、にっぽん、 Nippon). Falling at the end of the period defined by the solar principal term Daikan (大寒 Severe Cold), Setsubun occurs one day before the sectional term Risshun (立春、りっしゅん、 Spring Begins).

Setsubun (節分)has been celebrated in many ways, but perhaps the most common custom found throughout Japan is the traditional Mame Maki (豆まき、まめまき)or the scattering/throwing of beans (mame 豆、まめ) to chase away the evil oni (鬼、おに ogres, evil spirits).

Friday, January 28, 2011

干し柿(ほしがき)- Dried Persimmon

Have you eaten かき(柿, kaki, persimmon)?

It is not a common fruit in Newfoundland. Persimmon is an orange coloured fruit and harvested in the autumn. There are varieties that come in two distinct categories; either astringent (渋柿、しぶがき shibugaki) or regular (甘柿、あまがき amagaki).  
                                  あまがき (amagaki)       しぶがき (shibugaki)

Shibui (astringent) +Kaki (persimmon) = Shibugaki 

Amai (sweet) + Kaki (persimmon) = Amagaki

しぶがき that is not over-ripe cannot be eaten.  
How do Japanese people eat しぶがき?

ほしがき (干し柿, hoshigaki, dried persimmons) is the most common way it is eaten in Japan. We remove the skin and hang them on a string outside.

My students enjoyed ほしがき from Japan. This ほしがき was grown at one of my Japanese friend’s field and she dried them.

Most of the students enjoyed eating ほしがき very much.

ほしがき (hoshigaki)

One of my students said it is not a favourite taste for him, but he could eat it all.