Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Passwords for the Month of December

Teacher せんせい        Student せいと
先生(せんせい)                 生徒(せいと)

こんにちは。                       こんにちは。

おなまえは。                      xxxxxです。

あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


今月の合言葉(こんげつ の あいことば)

ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に、 ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって あかはな の トナカイ の そり で、 げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。


You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 10 (the hardest) from the phrases below.

Level 1.サンタクロース(さんたくろおす) が きます。(さんたくろおす is coming. )

Level 2.サンタクロース が プレゼント もって きます。

Level 3.サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 4.クリスマスイブ に サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえに きます。

Level 5.クリスマスイブ に サンタクロースが たくさんの プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 6.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 7.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 8.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって  げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 9.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に  ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって トナカイ のそり げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 10.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって あかはな の トナカイ のそり で げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Monday, November 29, 2010

Song of the Month for December


お正月(おしょうがつ)New Year's Day


1.もういくつねると お正月(しょうがつ) 

お正月には 凧(たこ)あげて

こまをまわして 遊(あそ)びましょう

はやく来(こ)い来い お正月

How many more nights to sleep until New Year's Day

In the New Year's holidays, let's fly a kite

Let's play with a spinning top

Come, come quickly, New Year's Day

2.もういくつねると お正月

お正月には まりついて

おいばねついて 遊びましょう

はやく来い来い お正月
How many nights to sleep until New Year's Day?

In the New Year's holidays, let's bounce a ball

Let's play with a shuttlecock

Come come quickly, New Year's Day 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Try Japanese Various Tastes

Nine people attended this event. People excited to discuss "the hidden side of Japan."

We tried....

抹茶入り玄米茶 (Matcha iri genmai-cha) - Coarse green tea mixed with roasted brown and matcha
手巻き納豆-(Temaki natto) - Natto snack
じゃこにぼし (Jyako niboshi) - Dried small sardines snack
稲荷寿司 (Inari zushi) flavoured boiled rice wrapped in fried bean curd
筑前煮 (Tikuzen ni) - chicken stew with carrot, burdock, lotus root, konjak, bamboo shoot, etc."
                                     *I used beef because I forgot to buy chicken...
こんにゃく (Konnyaku) - Paste made from the starch of the konjak
みそ汁 (Miso shiru) - Miso soup
餅 (Mochi) - Rice cake

Jyako niboshi


Temaki natto



Participants' Comments:

It was a wonderful party, getting to try so many new types of foods and meet so many interesting people studying japanese culture and language too. (by Jordan)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas in Origami

Learn how to make Christmas Ornaments is Origami.

Date: Saturday, Nov. 27
Time:1:30-4:30 pm
Place: Chapters (70 Kenmount Rd. St. John's, NL)

It's a free event!





Sunday, November 14, 2010

Try Japanese Various Taste

The winter season has begun. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Halloween last month.

This month (November), I will be hosting an event, “Try Various Japanese Tastes” at my place. You can try various tastes such as mochi, kozakana snack, matcha, natto, konnyaku, and so on….)

We will also play some games. I will decide what games we play when I know who will be participating. Of course, you can “learn Japanese” through these activities.

Date: Friday, November 26

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Door opens 5:45 pm – Door closes 9 pm)
Maximum Number: 8 people
Place: Nami’s place (Freshwater Road)
Cost: $20 (Please pay your fee when you reserve your seat.)
Space is limited, so please reserve your seat early.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Results of the Halloween Costume Photo Contest

Thanks for participating in the Halloween Costume Photo Contest.

The judges (my family and Japanese friends in Japan) really enjoyed seeing all of your photos.

Now, (drum roll is starting...)
I will announce the results of the Halloween Costume Contest.

Third Price goes to.....


Congratulations Chantel!
The judges said that they really like your evil facial expression.

Second Prize goes to....


Congratulations Robyn and Hali!
The judges said that they express two Nana's friendship very well.
(Nana is a Japanese comic. The comic derives its title from the name of the two main characters, both of whom are called Nana.)

Now, I am going to announce....

"First Price "!!!

This award goes to......

Evil Witch

Congratulations John!
The judges said his costume, facial expression, tools, and the room produce very evil atmosphere. They loved the jack-o'-lantern.

Thanks for all of your participation!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Amazing Student - Anthony Peterson

Most hard working student - Anthony Peterson

Anthony Peterson is originally from Vancouver. Since graduating from McGill University with an engineering degree, he has worked for a company in Vancouver as a marine structural engineer. He came to Newfoundland to build wharf in Long Harbour. His working schedule is irregular because he has to work when the ocean is low tide. He spends time studying engineering even after work.

Under this situation, plus having to drive from Dildo one hour each way to take lessons, Anthony does the most Japanese homework of all my students.

His Japanese level has rapidly improved because of his huge efforts. He creates time for studying Japanese. He is a great time management person.


Aside from my work and studying of Japanese, I enjoy playing hockey, soccer, and ultimate Frisbee. My studying of Japanese is rooted in my enjoyment of manga and anime, as well as the interesting and fantastic history and culture of Japan.

I find learning Japanese more enjoyable that watching TV or playing video games. Also, since I am away from home, it helps to pass the time in a fun and interesting way.

Anthony Peterson