Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kanji of the Month for April, 2011

今月の漢字 こんげつのかんじ(4月)

heart, mind, spirit, soul

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Passwords for the Month of April, 2011

         Teacher せんせい        Student せいと

先生(せんせい)               生徒(せいと)

                   こんにちは おはらです。               こんにちは。xxxxxです。                    
あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


 今月の合言葉 こんげつのあいことば(4月)

     はきもの を そろえる と 心(こころ)も そろう
心 が そろうと はきもの も そろう

      ぬぐとき に そろえておく と はくとき に 心 が みだれない

       だれか が みだしておいたら だまって そろえておいて あげよう

       そうすれば きっと 世界中(せかいじゅう)の人(ひと)の 心 も そろうでしょう
    (長野市 円福寺 住職 藤本幸邦)

You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easier) and  level 5 (the harder) from the phrases below.
        Level 1   はきもの を そろえる と こころ も そろう

        Level 2    はきもの を そろえる と こころ も そろう
                       こころ が そろうと はきもの も そろう

         Level 3   はきもの を そろえる と こころ も そろう
      こころ が そろう と はきもの も そろう
      ぬぐとき に そろえておく と はくとき に こころ が みだれない

  Level 4 はきもの を そろえる と こころ も そろう
                        こころ が そろう と はきもの も そろう
                        ぬぐとき に そろえておく と はくとき に こころ が みだれない
                        だれか が みだしておいたら だまって そろえておいて あげよう

         Level 5 はきもの を そろえる と こころ も そろう
                         こころ が そろう と はきもの も そろう
                         ぬぐとき に そろえておく と はくとき に こころ が みだれない
                         だれか が みだしておいたら だまって そろえておいて あげよう
                         そうすれば きっと せかいじゅう の ひとの こころ も そろうでしょう

       Arranging our shoes neatly, we bring harmony to our minds,
       When our minds are harmonious, we arrange shoes neatly.
       If we arrange shoes neatly when we take them off,
       Our minds won't be disturbed when we put them on.
       If someone leaves shoes in disarray,
       Let us silently set them to order.
       Such an act surely will bring harmony
       To the minds of people around the world.

はきもの を そろえる

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Victim Relief Fundraiser

Japanese Student Society were initially talking to have a bake sale this coming Thursday, but the university did not manage to give us a table due to the regulation which does not allow more than 2 bake sales per week. This Friday, we decided to host alternative fund raising activity in the UC instead of a bake sale.

Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Victim Relief Fundraiser

Date: Friday, March 18th
Time: 9am-4 pm
Location: The Loft, University Center, UC-3013, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Japanese Student Society will have a table with a donation box, and we will offer origami crane or flower to whoever donated. We will also have a big cloth where we will ask people to write messages for the Japanese tsunami and earthquake victims. Our first fund raising activity will be hosted this Friday.

Please contact Nami Ohara if you need more details about this event.
Nami Ohara <ohara.nami@gmail.com>

Depending on how many people contribute, we will also consider hosting another similar fund raising activity next Wed (March 23rd) and Friday (March 25th).

Memorial University Japanese Student Society

You have probably heard that a big earthquake has happened in Japan.

Many places are still struggling with strong aftershocks. This earthquake caused big Tsunami which struck a lot of huge disasters. Many places were washed out or are submerged.

Another problem is that Japan has nuclear power plantin in Fukushima which have caused problems. The government announced an evacuation recommendation for people live within a 20- 30 kilometer radius.

We really do not know what happened and what is going to happen in Japan.

One of my sisters in Nagoya (which is quite far from the epicentre) said that she felt a strong shake for 2 minutes, longer and more intense than she has never experienced before.

In an attempt to raise funds to assist those in the midst of this devastation I am planning a series of fund raising events. Any assistance or participation that you could offer with any of the three following events would be greatly appreciated.

Bake Sale Donations

Japanese students who study at Memorial University of Newfoundland are planning a bake sale.
Date: This week ( The date will be updated soon.)
Time: 9 am - around 3 pm
Place: Food Court (3rd floor), University Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Please drop by the Bake Sale and pick up some delicious food and support a great cause. All of the proceeds for this event will also be donated to the Red Cross to assist those struggling in Japan with the recent events.

If you would prefer to support this cause by donating baked goods to be sold in this event please contact me to arrange drop off.

We will have another bake sales, too, so please keep checking this website.
If you have any questions about these events, please contact Nami Ohara, ohara.nami@gmail.com

Oshaberi (Chat) Club
My students already know that I am hosting Oshaberi Club on March 26th. I will donate the all of money received from attendants to Canada Red Cross. If you would like to donate more than the regular Oshaberi Club fee I would be happy to collect and donate these funds together.

Date: Saturday, March 26
Time:7pm -10 pm

Japanese Event at the AC Hunter Public Library
Compusult Limited and Ohara Consulting are going to host a Japanese Cultural Event at the AC Hunter Public Library in the Arts and Culture Centre. (We had this kind of event in 2009 at the Inco Innovation Centre.) http://www.oharaconsulting.ca/JapanCanadaCelebration.html .

There will be opportunity to try Japanese arts and crafts, view Japanese cultural videos, compete in a Haiku contest as well as get an update on the details of what is currently happening in Japan.

We discussed this event last Thursday (10th) with a library staff and set up the event date for Thursday, April 14. Soon after planning this event, the devastation due to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was reported internationally.

After some thought we decided to go ahead with the event but in light of the recent tragedy we will also be providing the opportunity to donate to the relief fund for Japan. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity with this event, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

Date: Thursday, April 14
Place: AC Hunter Public Library, Arts and Culture Centre
Time: Evening (announce later)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oshaberi (Chat) Club

I am excited to announce that I am going to host an Oshaberi Club (おしゃべりクラブ) this month.

What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.

Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.

In this Oshaberi Club…

This Oshaberi Club will be made up of two rooms of activities.

Room One – Oshaberi no Heya
In this room, you will be able to “try” to have conversation in Japanese. You do not have to be fluent. Take this opportunity to put what you have learned into practice.

Room Two – Game no Heya
There will be opportunity to practice Japanese through a variety of games and/or origami.

Place: Tsumami’s Place
Date: Saturday, March 26th
Time: 7pm-10 pm (End date is firm as I have other obligations after this event, thank you for understanding.)

For more details (including cost), please contact Tsunami.

I will donate the all of money received from attendants to Canada Red Cross. If you would like to donate more than the regular Oshaberi Club fee I would be happy to collect and donate these funds together.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Words of the Month - March

今月の合言葉 (こんげつのあいことば)

2011年 3月

好きな科目(好きな勉強)  すきなかもく(すきなべんきょう)


ふらんすご  しょどう  にほんご  えいご

しゃかいか  ちり  れきし

すうがく  かがく  せいぶつ  ぶつり  りか (scinece)
おんがく   びじゅつ

たいいく   ほけんたいいく




(    )さんの いちばん すきな かもく は なんですか。

(    )さん の きらいな(いちばんすきじゃない)かもく は なんですか。

きょう、 がっこう で なに を べんきょう しましたか。

Try Kanji Version!


フランス語  英語     書道 日本語  

歴史      社会科     地理  

理科(science)     数学  化学  物理  生物

 美術     音楽

体育  保健体育 


(    )さんの一番好きな科目は何ですか。

(       )さんの嫌いな(一番好きじゃない)科目は何ですか。
