Japanese Language Instruction from Newfoundland, Canada to the World
Japanese Language & Culture
Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Passwords for the month of Dec. 2012
こんげつ の あいことば(じゅうにがつ)
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
先生(せんせい) 生徒(せいと)
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
Please choose one passwords from the following videos as your passwords for this month.
1. あわてんぼうのサンタクロース
2. カタカナクリスマス
3. サンタがきます
Please choose one passwords from the following videos as your passwords for this month.
1. あわてんぼうのサンタクロース
2. カタカナクリスマス
3. サンタがきます
Please pick up five katakana Christmas words from the below video as your passwords.
Please pick up five katakana Christmas words from the below video as your passwords.
You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 10 (the hardest) from the phrases below.
Level 1.サンタクロース(さんたくろおす) が きます。(さんたくろおす is coming. )
Level 2.サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって きます。
Level 3.サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 4. クリスマスイブ に サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえに きます。
Level 5.クリスマスイブ に サンタクロースが たくさんの プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 6.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 7.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 8.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 9.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって トナカイ のそり で げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Level 10.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって あかはな の トナカイ のそり で げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Results of the Halloween Costume Photo Contest
Thanks for participating in the Halloween Costume Photo Contest.
The judges (my family and Japanese friends in Japan) really enjoyed seeing all of your photos.
Now, (drum roll is starting...)
I will announce the results of the Halloween Costume Contest.
"The Winner" goes to.....
The judges (my family and Japanese friends in Japan) really enjoyed seeing all of your photos.
Now, (drum roll is starting...)
I will announce the results of the Halloween Costume Contest.
"The Winner" goes to.....
ボビーさん おめでとうございます。
The prize is Japanese green tea, Gyokuro. Enjoy have a cup of Japanese tea.
The prize is Japanese green tea, Gyokuro. Enjoy have a cup of Japanese tea.
Bobby Congratulations!!
Your "Geisha" style is superb!!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Song of the Month for Nov. 2012
やきいも やきいも おなかが グー
ホカ ホカ ホカ ホカ アチチの チー
たべたら なくなる なんにも パー
それ! やきいも まとめて グーチーパー
yakiimo yakiimo onaka ga gu
hoka hoka hoka hoka achichi no chi
tabetara nakunaru nannimo pa
sore! yakiimo matomete gu chi pa
yakiimo - baked sweet potatoes
gu- hungry
hokahoka - warm
achichi - hot
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Japanese Chat Club: おしゃべりクラブ (Sat., Dec. 1, 2012)
Another Oshaberi Club (おしゃべりクラブ) is coming soon!
This time, I will invite (a) special guest(s) via Skype.
What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.
Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.
Photos from the previous Oshaberi Club
Last Month March June (click each month)
Place: Nami's Place
Date: Saturday, Dec. 1st
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm
Fee: $10 (including free drinkand popcorn)
Early bird fee by Sat., Nov. 24th $ 7
my vocabulary!
I had a good time at the Oshaberi Club. Nami-san is a nice host and I found the more experienced students to be nice and helpful. I got a few tips and they told me about their experiences in learning Japanese. We all had fun sharing the things we liked about Japanese culture.
I was glad I went. It was great to listen to the other student's stories on traveling to Japan, things like staying in a temple while on exchange. We talked about games, music, anime, and how to study kanji. There was even a special appearance by a powerful ninja, who brought down thunder and lightning
from the sky (I think he was as surprised as we were)! David Bourgeo
みんなで ワイワイ おしゃべりクラブ
This time, I will invite (a) special guest(s) via Skype.
What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.
Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.
Photos from the previous Oshaberi Club
Last Month March June (click each month)
Place: Nami's Place
Date: Saturday, Dec. 1st
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm
Fee: $10 (including free drink
Early bird fee by Sat., Nov. 24th $ 7
David's First Participation in Oshaberi Club
Hello, I am a new student of Japanese! Even though speaking is not my strength, I decided to go to the Oshaberi
Club. I am a beginner student, so I thought it really would be a help
in slowly building up my language abilities. I could also practice my
listening skills. If nothing else, I could practicemy vocabulary!
I had a good time at the Oshaberi Club. Nami-san is a nice host and I found the more experienced students to be nice and helpful. I got a few tips and they told me about their experiences in learning Japanese. We all had fun sharing the things we liked about Japanese culture.
I was glad I went. It was great to listen to the other student's stories on traveling to Japan, things like staying in a temple while on exchange. We talked about games, music, anime, and how to study kanji. There was even a special appearance by a powerful ninja, who brought down thunder and lightning
from the sky (I think he was as surprised as we were)! David Bourgeo
みんなで ワイワイ おしゃべりクラブ
たのしく なかよく おもしろく
あなたも わたしも 日本語(にほんご)で
はずかしがらずに しゃべりましょう
みんなで にぎやか おしゃべりクラブ
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Report of Oshaberi Club
Oshaberi Club is back!!
Oshaberi club was hosted on Saturday, November 3rd. Seven people participated and challenged conversations in Japanese. *Oshaberi means chat in Japanese.
David's First Participation in Oshaberi Club
Hello, I am a new student of Japanese! Even though speaking is not my strength, I decided to go to the Oshaberi Club. I am a beginner student, so I thought it really would be a help in slowly building up my language abilities. I could also practice my listening skills. If nothing else, I could practicemy vocabulary!
I had a good time at the Oshaberi Club. Nami-san is a nice host and I found the more experienced students to be nice and helpful. I got a few tips and they told me about their experiences in learning Japanese. We all had fun sharing the things we liked about Japanese culture.
I was glad I went. It was great to listen to the other student's stories on traveling to Japan, things like staying in a temple while on exchange. We talked about games, music, anime, and how to study kanji. There was even a special appearance by a powerful ninja, who brought down thunder and lightning
from the sky (I think he was as surprised as we were)! David Bourgeo
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Passwords for the Month of Nov. 2012
こんげつ の あいことば(じゅういちがつ)
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
先生(せんせい) 生徒(せいと)
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
Learn Japanese Onomatopoeia
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Halloween Costume Photo Contest
2012 ハロウィン仮装(かそう)フォトコンテスト
Send in the best photo you took of your costume. You might win a prize.
What kind of costumes can you enter? Any costume is suitable to be shown on this blog. (It should be family-friendly.) It can be home-made…or store/bought. You might have used a sewing pattern… or created your own original design.
Requirement for Entry
Ohara Consulting’s students
Photo Contest Prize for the winner
Prize - おたのしみ (Some Japanese stuff)
The Halloween Contest’s Judges
Judges are Nami's friends in Japan and family in Japan. (Nami does not participate in the judgment.)
Pictures must be received by Sunday, November 4th. Winners will be announced by November 7th.
After the winners of the Costume Contests have been decided, the winner and participants’ pictures will be displayed on this blog.
Sounds fun? I look forward to receiving your entry.
Send in the best photo you took of your costume. You might win a prize.
What kind of costumes can you enter? Any costume is suitable to be shown on this blog. (It should be family-friendly.) It can be home-made…or store/bought. You might have used a sewing pattern… or created your own original design.
Requirement for Entry
Ohara Consulting’s students
Photo Contest Prize for the winner
Prize - おたのしみ (Some Japanese stuff)
The Halloween Contest’s Judges
Judges are Nami's friends in Japan and family in Japan. (Nami does not participate in the judgment.)
Pictures must be received by Sunday, November 4th. Winners will be announced by November 7th.
After the winners of the Costume Contests have been decided, the winner and participants’ pictures will be displayed on this blog.
Sounds fun? I look forward to receiving your entry.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Passwords for Halloween Week (Thurs., Oct. 25th - Wed. Oct. 31st, 2012)
ハロウィンウィーク の あいことば
Thurs. Oct. 25th - Wed. Oct. 31, 2012
Basic passwords or Advanced passwords?
Thurs. Oct. 25th - Wed. Oct. 31, 2012
Basic passwords or Advanced passwords?
Monday, October 15, 2012
♫ ド ドーナツ doughnut
♫ レ レモン lemon
♫ ミ みんな everyone
♫ ファ ファイト fight
♫ ソ あおいそら blue sky
♫ ラ ラッパ bugle
♫ シ しあわせ happiness
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Oshaberi (Chat) Club
Oshaberi Club (おしゃべりクラブ) is coming back next month, Nov. 2012.
What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.
Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.
Photos from the previous Oshaberi Club
March June (see click)
Place: Nami's Place
Date: Saturday, Nov. 3rd
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm
Fee: $10 (including free drinkand popcorn)
Early bird fee by Friday, Oct. 26th $ 7
みんなで ワイワイ おしゃべりクラブ
What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.
Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.
Photos from the previous Oshaberi Club
March June (see click)
Place: Nami's Place
Date: Saturday, Nov. 3rd
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm
Fee: $10 (including free drink
Early bird fee by Friday, Oct. 26th $ 7
みんなで ワイワイ おしゃべりクラブ
たのしく なかよく おもしろく
あなたも わたしも 日本語(にほんご)で
はずかしがらずに しゃべりましょう
みんなで にぎやか おしゃべりクラブ
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Passwords for the Month of October, 2012
こんげつ の あいことば(じゅうがつ)
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
あいことば(Aikotoba/passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.
先生(せんせい) 生徒(せいと)
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
こんにちは。 こんにちは。xxxxxです。
あいことば は なんですか。 xxxxxxxx
Celebrating Five Years of Learning
ジョーダン スタック さん
Jordan Stack
I've been studying Japanese for five years, but all the time I've invested has given me a much stronger grasp of reading, writing, speaking and understanding of the Japanese language as a whole than when I first began. More than that, I'm thankful to have a dedicated teacher to help me through all of it, and to teach me more than just the language; I've learned a great deal about Japanese history, etiquette, and culture in the process. I look forward to learning even more in the next five years from now.
Friday, September 28, 2012
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Origami with Nami Ohara
Start to learn how to fold paper in simple steps that can result
in chraming, breathtaking paper scultpures. Nami Ohara will guide you
through the beginning steps.
St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
View Map of this Activity
Date(s) & Time(s):
Saturday, September 29, 2012 — 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
A.C. Hunter Library, Arts & Culture Centre, 95 Allandale RoadSt John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
View Map of this Activity
This activity is wheelchair accessible.Thursday, September 27, 2012
Origami Workshop - Culture Days
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the A.C. Hunter Library (in the Arts and Culture Centre) Nami Ohara will demonstrate the techniques of folding paper to create beautiful pieces of sculpture. Try a piece of your own.
Admission: Free
Date: Saturday, Sept. 29
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: A.C. Hunter Public Library, St. John's NL
View Larger Map
Admission: Free
Date: Saturday, Sept. 29
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: A.C. Hunter Public Library, St. John's NL
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Japanese Film Night
Haru's Journey 春との旅
(134 min. Japanese with English subtitles)
Date: Wednesday, September 26th
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: IIC 2001 (Innovation Hall)
Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation
(the former: INCO Innovation Centre)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Admission: Free
Host: Consulate General of Japan at Montreal
Thursday, August 30, 2012
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