Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Song of the Month for April 2012


SAKURA (Please click the title of this song.)

Kanji of the Month for April, 2012


はる (Haru)


cherry blossoms

Passwords for the Month of April, 2012

あいことば (Aikotoba/Passwords) is a magical phrase (like "open sesame") to open the Japanese language classroom's door.

Teacher せんせい        Student せいと
先生(せんせい)                 生徒(せいと)

こんにちは。                       こんにちは。

おなまえは。                      xxxxxです。

あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


 今月の合言葉 こんげつのあいことば(4月)

はるがきた  ジャズ  バージョン 

はるがきた Traditional バージョン

UA バージョン

Friday, March 16, 2012

Amazing Student - Damien Hicks

Damien-san is one of my hardest working students. He has a regular homework schedule that he follows with such dedication that I am continuously impressed by his efforts. Not to mention that he is also always on time for his lessons. He is a musician, which may explain his skill at hearing and replicating the nuances of the Japanese accent. His Japanese level has rapidly improved because of his huge effort and good ear.

Hi, I have been studying Japanese for about 6 months now and enjoying it thoroughly. Even though I've only started a short time ago, my Japanese language skills have improved vastly. I try to study at least one hour a day if I can, though I sometimes end up studying much longer because I enjoy learning the language so much. I one day hope to go to Japan, and with Nami-sensei's excellent teaching, when that day comes, I'm sure I will be more than prepared.
Damien Hicks

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Arigato from Japan Earthquake Victims

One year ago on March 11, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake shook the north east coast of Japan and caused a tsunami that reached heights of up to 133 feet. Many people lost their lives, families, friends, houses, and jobs. This video is  a "thank you message" from some of the Japanese people who were directly affected by these disastrous events. 

The people of Japan will never forget your heartwarming, hope-giving and generous support.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Song of the Month for March 2012

今月(3月)の歌  うれしいひなまつり  

The Japanese Doll Festival (雛祭り<ひなまつり> Hina-matsuri), or Girls' Day, is held on March 3. Platforms covered with a red carped are used to display a set of ornamental dolls (雛人形<ひなにんぎょう> hina-ningyō) representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian Perild (794 ~around 1185/1192)...(wikipedia).

Traditional Version

1.あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに

お花(はな)をあげましょ 桃(もも)の花(はな)

五人(ごにん)ばやしの 笛太鼓(ふえたいこ)

今日(きょう)はたのしい ひな祭(まつ)り

2.お内裏様(だいりさま)と おひな様(さま)

二人(ふたり)ならんで すまし顔(がお)

お嫁(よめ)にいらした 姉様(ねえさま)に

よく似(に)た官女(かんじょ)の 白(しろ)い顔(かお)

3.金(きん)のびょうぶに うつる灯(ひ)を

かすかにゆする 春(はる)の風(かぜ)

すこし白酒 (しろざけ)めされたか

あかいお顔(かお)の 右大臣(うだいじん)

4.着物(きもの)をきかえて 帯(おび)しめて

今日(きょう)はわたしも はれ姿(すがた)

春(はる)のやよいの このよき日(ひ)

なによりうれしい ひな祭(まつ)り

Vocaloid Version : Kaai Yuki

Ummmmm.... Vocaloid still needs  a lot of more practice (improvement).


This quiz from the lyrics of Ureshii Hinamatsuri (うれしいひなまつり).

What are the meaning of the following Japanese words?  Please pick up each answer from "a" to "d."







a. light

b. Japanese drums

c. five musicians

d. peach blossom

e. Japanese flute

f. a paper-covered lamp stand

Passwords for the Month of March, 2012

今月の合言葉 こんげつのあいことば
2012年 3月 

         Teacher せんせい        Student せいと
先生(せんせい)               生徒(せいと)

                   こんにちは。                   こんにちは。xxxxです。 
あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


ホワイトデー  vs.    ひなまつり
Which passwords would you like?

You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 5 (the hardest) from the phrases below.
Level 1
きょうは うれしい ひなまつり。

Level 2
おんなのこ の おいわい です。
きょう は うれしい ひなまつり。

Level 3
おんなのこ の おいわい です。
もも の はな を かざりましょう。
きょう は うれしい ひなまつり。

Level 4
おんなのこ の おいわい です。
もも の はな を かざりましょう。
ちらしずし を たべましょう。
きょう は たのしい ひなまつり。

Level 5
さんがつみっか は おんなのこ の おいわい です。
きれいな もも の はな を かざりましょう。
おいしい ちらしずし を たべましょう。
きょう は うれしい ひなまつり。