Last year in 2009 was the 80th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and Japan. To mark the occasion,
Compusult Limited ( and
Ohara Consulting ( co-hosted the event,
Eigo de
Nihon Eiga (
Eigo – English,
Nihon - Japan,
Eiga – Movie/ watching a Japanese movie in English).
Compusult is a Newfoundland company that does business in Japan. As a part of this event, Compusult donated 32 DVDs to the Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries (
This year (2010), Compusult is going to offer other Japanese DVDs to the libraries. Currently, I am picking out the DVDs for this list of the donation. Please let me know by e-mail or commenting on my blog if you have any suggestions. I would really appreciate it. Please suggest movies other than the following.
The DVDs donated in 2009 by Compusult Limited
1953 - Tokyo Story / 東京物語(とうきょうものがたり)
1953 - Ugetsu / 雨月物語(うげつものがたり)
1954 - Seven Samurai / 七人の侍(しちにんのさむらい)
1954 - Twenty-Four Eyes / 二十四の瞳(にじゅうしのひとみ)
1956 - Burmese Harp / ビルマの竪琴(びるまのたてごと)
1962 - An Autumn Afternoon / 秋刀魚の味(さんまのあじ)
1962 - Harakiri / 切腹(せっぷく)
1974 - The Castle of Sand / 砂の器(すなのうつわ)
1980 - Zigeunerweisen / ツィゴイネルワイゼン
1983 - The Ballad of Narayama / 楢山節考(ならやまぶしこう)
1984 - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / 風の谷のナウシカ(かぜのたにのなうしか)
1984 - The Funeral / お葬式(おそうしき)
1985 -Tampopo / タンポポ
1987 - A Taxing Woman / マルサの女(まるさのおんな)
1996 - Village of Dreams / 絵の中のぼくの村(えのなかのぼくのむら)
1996 - Shall We Dance? / Shall we ダンス?
1997 - Princess Mononoke / もののけ姫(もののけひめ)
1997 - The Eel / うなぎ
1998 - Ring / リング
1998 - After Life / ワンダフルライフ
1999 - Kikujiro / 菊次郎の夏(きくじろうのなつ)
2000 - Battle Royale / バトル・ロワイアル
2000 - Boy's Choir / 独立少年合唱団(どくりつしょうねんがっしょうだん)
2002 - Dark Water / 仄暗い水の底から(ほのぐらいみずのそこから)
2002 - The Sea Is Watching / 海は見ていた(うみはみていた)
2004 - Nobody Knows / 誰も知らない(だれもしらない)
2004 - The Twilight Samurai / たそがれ清兵衛(たそがれせいべい)
2004 - Blood and Bones / 血と骨(ちとほね)
2005 - The Book of the Dead / 死者の書(ししゃのしょ)
2006 - Love and Honor / 武士の一分(ぶしのいちぶん)
2006 - Hula Girls / フラガール
2006 - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time / 時をかける少女(ときをかけるしょうじょ)
Compuslt Limited
Ohara Consulting