Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Passwords for the Month of December

Teacher せんせい        Student せいと
先生(せんせい)                 生徒(せいと)

こんにちは。                       こんにちは。

おなまえは。                      xxxxxです。

あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


今月の合言葉(こんげつ の あいことば)

ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に、 ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって あかはな の トナカイ の そり で、 げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。


You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 10 (the hardest) from the phrases below.

Level 1.サンタクロース(さんたくろおす) が きます。(さんたくろおす is coming. )

Level 2.サンタクロース が プレゼント もって きます。

Level 3.サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 4.クリスマスイブ に サンタクロース が プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえに きます。

Level 5.クリスマスイブ に サンタクロースが たくさんの プレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 6.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 7.クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんのプレゼント を もって げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 8.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって  げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 9.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に  ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって トナカイ のそり げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Level 10.ゆきのふる クリスマスイブ に ゆかいな サンタクロース が たくさんの プレゼント を もって あかはな の トナカイ のそり で げんきな こどもたち の いえ に きます。

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Song of the Month for December

12月の歌 (12がつのうた)


初音ミク バージョン

はしれそりよ かぜのよ 
ゆきのなかを かるくはやく
わらいごえを ゆきにまけば 
あかるいひかりの はなになるよ

ジングルベル ジングルベル 
すずのリズムに ひかりのわがま
ジングルベル ジングルベル 
もりに はやしに ひびきながら

はしれそりよ おかのえは 
ゆきもしろく かぜもしろく
こえは とんでいくよ 
かがやきはじめた ほしのそらへ

ジングルベル ジングルベル  
すずのリズムに ひかりのわがま
ジングルベル ジングルベル  

もりに はやしに ひびきながら

Dash, O sleigh, like the wind
Through the snow lightly, quickly
If we sow our laughter into the snow
It will become flowers of brilliant light

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell
The bells ring
Wheels of light dance to the rhythm of the bells
Jingle Bell Jingle Bell
The bells ring
Echoing in the forest and grove

Dash, O sleigh, on top of the hill
The snow is white and the wind is white
Singing voices soar
To the sky of stars which have begun twinkling

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell
The bells ring
The wheels of light dance to the rhythm of the bells
Jingle Bell Jingle Bell
The bells ring
Echoing in the forest and grove

Friday, November 4, 2011

Passwords for the Month of November

今月の合言葉 (十一月) 
こんげつ の あいことば (じゅういちがつ)


先生(せんせい)       生徒(せいと)

                        こんにちは。                          こんにちは。xxxxxです。       

あいことば は なんですか。           xxxxxxxx


Please pick up one of the following phrases as your passwords for the month of November.  These phrases are from Japanese anime. 

1. しんじつは  いつもひとつ
       (from めいたんてい コナン)

2. つきにかわって  おしおきよ
3. みずでもかぶって はんせいしなさい
   (from びしょうじょせんし セーラームーン)

4. おれは かいぞくおうになる
   (from ワンピース)  

5. にげちゃだめだ にげちゃだめだ にげちゃだめだ
6. あなたは しなないわ わたしがまもるもの
 (from しんせいき エヴァンゲリオン)


7. たましいのは  を  ふりおろす
   (from ブリーチ)

8. わが「SOSだん」は このよのふしぎを ひろくぼしゅうしています。
   (from すずみやはるひ の ゆううつ)

9.  みんなも  ポケモン ゲットじゃぞ 
            (from ポケットモンスター)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Passwords for the Halloween Week

Halloween Week

October 25th (Tuesday)  to October 31st (Monday) 

Trick or Treat!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Song of the Month for October


Kanji of the Month for October

今月の漢字 (十月)
こんげつのかんじ (じゅうがつ)

Please guess how to read this kanji and the meaning.  
Hint: You should check 「こんげつのあいことば」 

Passwords for the Month of October

こんげつ の あいことば(じゅうがつ)


先生(せんせい)       生徒(せいと)

                        こんにちは。                          こんにちは。xxxxxです。       

あいことば は なんですか。           xxxxxxxx


Which passwords do you prefer to use?  

Japanese event version or Canadian event  version?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kanji of the Month for September


meaning? (see the passwords for the month)

Passwords of the Month for September


Level 1


Level 2

You can try the following phrases as passwords from the Kongetsu no Uta. 

かぞくでゆきかき   かきくけこ
ぼくたちきみたち   たちつてと
それなにこれなに   なにぬねの
はっぱがひらひら   はひふへほ
わいわいおんがく  わを

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Song of the Month - September



Practice your Japanese pronunciation and articulation!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Message from Japan - Arashi

You have given Japan a lot of supports. So we really, really want to thank you....

Hoping to lure back foreign tourists, whose numbers plummeted after the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan Tourism Agency has enlisted an elite squad of well-coiffed eye candy: the all-male Arashi (嵐) idol group.
On July 11, the quintet held a news conference at the Foreign Ministry's Iikura House in Tokyo to introduce its "Message from Japan," a PR video clip recorded for the ministry that features the five members of Arashi visiting Hokkaido (北海道), Aomori (青森), Tokyo (東京), Kyoto (京都), Kagoshima (鹿児島) and Okinawa (沖縄).
They pose with one arm bent upward in an imitation of the paw-waving "maneki neko" cat dolls, assuring viewers that "People all over Japan are waiting for you to visit."
The catchy ad will be aired at airports and on TV in more than 130 countries and regions of the world, including on a giant electronic billboard in New York's Times Square.
"Four months have passed since the earthquake. The most important thing is that we should not forget it," Arashi member Sho Sakurai, 29, told the promo event. (asahi.com  2011/07/13)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bon Odori 盆踊り

What is about  盆踊り(ぼんおどり)Bon Odori?

 Most well known Bon Odori song -炭坑節(たんこうぶし)
         「つきが でた でた つきが でた ~」
              炭坑=coal mine

The moon, has come out,

Oh, the moon is out, heave ho (kakegoe)

Over Miike Coal Mine hath the moon come out.

The chimney is so high,

I wonder if the moon chokes on the smoke...

Heave ho

                  how to dance Tankou-bushi

This dance is very simple. You just follow the following movements.

1.ほって ほって  (digging x2)

2.またほって (digging x2)

3.かついで、かついで (carrying on shoulder x 2 )

4.ながめて、ながめて (viewing x 2)

5.おして、おして (pushing x 2)

6.ひらいて (opening)

7.ちょちょんがちょん (clapping x 3)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Word of the Month for August


What is your star/zodiac sign? 

あなたの星座(せいざ)は なんですか。


わたし (Nami Ohara) の 星座は「双子座(ふたござ)」です。

Please find your 星座 from the following video!

Kanji of the Month for July



The Report of Oshaberi Club

Even though the summer vacation season, six people participated in the Oshaberi Club on July 30th, 2011.

Thank you for all of you participation.  See you at the next Oshaberi Club!

Passwords for the Month of August, 2011

こんげつ の あいことば(はちがつ)


先生(せんせい)       生徒(せいと)

                        こんにちは。                          こんにちは。xxxxxです。       

あいことば は なんですか。  xxxxxxxx


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oshaberi Club

Oshaberi Club (おしゃべりクラブ) is coming soon. 

What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese. 

Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s. 

Photos from the previous Oshaberi Club
March   June  (see click)

In this Oshaberi Club…

This Oshaberi Club will be made up of two rooms of activities. 

Room One – Oshaberi no Heya
In this room, you will be able to “try” to have conversation in Japanese. You do not have to be fluent. Take this opportunity to put what you have learned into practice.

Room Two – Game no Heya
There will be opportunity to practice Japanese through a variety of games and/or origami. 

Place: Nami's Place
Date:  Saturday, July 30th
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm 
Cost: $7 
(including free drink (tea, coffee..) and popcorn)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Making a Wish for Tanabata
 (Star Festival - July 7th)

In present-day Japan, people generally celebrate this day by writing wishes, sometimes in the form of poetry, on tanzaku (短冊 tanzaku), small pieces of paper, and hanging them on bamboo, sometimes with other decorations. (Wikipedia)














Saturday, July 2, 2011

Song - たなばたさま Tanabatasama

July 7th is Tanabata (Star Festival).  Enjoy the Japanese famous tanabata song, たなばたさま Tanabatasama with a variety of versions. My favourite version is the last one.

Please don't forget to watch Vega (Orihime) and Altair (Ushikai/Hikoboshi)  on July 7th. Enjoy stargazing!

童謡 たなばたさま (歌入り)

童謡 たなばたさま(伴奏)

The lyrics for the song, Tanabatasama.

ささの は さらさら  Bamboo leaves are rustling

のきばに ゆれる   And swaying at the eaves

おほしさま きらきら  Stars are twinkling

きん ぎん すなご   Like gold and silver sands

ごしきの たんざく  On colorful papers

わたしが かいた   I wrote my wishes

おほしさま きらきら Stars are twinkling

そらから みてる    And gazing at me from the sky

Make a Wish 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Passwords for the Month of July

こんげつ の あいことば(しちがつ)


先生(せんせい)       生徒(せいと)

                        こんにちは。                          こんにちは。xxxxxです。       

あいことば は なんですか。  xxxxxxxx


You can choose your passwords between level 1 (the easiest) to level 3 (the hardest) .
行こう(いこう)= Let's Go!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kanji of the Month for July

今月の漢字 (七月)
こんげつのかんじ (しちがつ)

やま mountain

かわ     river

うみ   sea, ocean

Monday, June 27, 2011

Words of the Month for July



Summer Vacation



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Report of the Oshaberi Club - June 25, 2011

This is the third time of Oshaberi Cub. Seven people participated in the cub. They enjoyed communicating in Japanese with their friends.

 "I had a wonderful time, practicing my Japanese speaking skills with beginners and experts alike." (by Jordan)

They are talking about the Japanese cultural events.

They are talking about Japanese fashions.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Oshaberi Club - Saturday 25th, June

Oshaberi Club (おしゃべりクラブ) is coming soon.

What is the meaning of Oshaberi?
Oshaberi means “Chat” in Japanese.

Participants will be able to enjoy using Japanese language and experiencing Japanese culture. This is also a great opportunity for you to expand your Japanese network in St. John’s.

Please visit the site about the last Oshaberi Club.

In this Oshaberi Club…

This Oshaberi Club will be made up of two rooms of activities.

Room One – Oshaberi no Heya
In this room, you will be able to “try” to have conversation in Japanese. You do not have to be fluent. Take this opportunity to put what you have learned into practice.

Room Two – Game no Heya
There will be opportunity to practice Japanese through a variety of games and/or origami.

Place: Nami's Place
Date: Saturday, June 25th
Time: Door Open 7 pm- Door Close 10 pm
Cost: $7
(including free drink (tea, coffee..) and popcorn)

For more details, please contact Nami.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hit Product in Japan – Tatamet

I heard that Tatamet becomes a hit product after the big disaster happened in Japan.
What is Tatamet? ...................................

This is called Tatamet.

Why is this calld Tatamet
This Tatamet is..................................

It is "foldabe."

Tatamu (to fold up; to shut up; to close) + Helmet = Tatamet

Another wellknown/famous Japanese product comes from the word, Tatamu.
Wat is that?


“Tatami 畳み(たたみ)” (tatmi mat)
The word tatami comes from the verb "tatamu," which means to fold or pile up.
Tatami used to be piled up when people do not use them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Message from Abu Dhabi, UAE

Online Lessons
You can always have a class...

"I have been studying Japanese language for 5 years now, however the step from the books to reality can be hard.

I started taking Skype/Google Talk lessons with Nami-sensei because I had my trip planned to Japan and it was going to be the first time for me to use real life Japanese. Nami-san was very patient, helpful and kind to teach me different situations I could find with the taxi drivers, waiters, asking directions on the street, talking to people in the clubs, etc. The result: My trip to Japan in April 2011 was amazing. Thanks to Nam-san (okagesama de).

The main advantage of the Skype/Google Talk lessons is that no matter where you are or your time zone (I live currently in United Arab Emirates) you can always have a class with just a click, just login and you are in the classroom using the same book your teacher has."

Juan Garza, Mexican, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Juan-san in Japan 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Horoscope - Constellation

星占い(ほしうらない) = Horoscope

星座(せいざ) = Constellation


(       )です。

What is your constellation?


(    )座

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oshaberi (Chat) Club Report in May

Eight people attended the Oshaberi Club on May 28th.  Thanks for your participation. See you  in the last Saturday of June!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Word of the Month for June

今月(六月)の合言葉 こんげつ(6がつ)のあいことば

                もっと = more

あめふれ あめふれ もっと ふれ!

チョコレートだいすき。もっと たべたい!

もっと べんきょう しなさい!

Kanji of the Month for June

今月(六月)の漢字 こんげつ(6がつ)のかんじ


Passwords for the Moth of June, 2011

         Teacher せんせい        Student せいと

先生(せんせい)               生徒(せいと)

                   こんにちは おはらです。               こんにちは。xxxxxです。                    
あいことば  は  なんですか。                 xxxxxxxx 


六月の合言葉 (6がつ の あいことば)

Episode: "Ame ame fure fure あめあめふれふれ" 

This episode is from "Sazae-san" which is one of the most famous & popular animations (since 1969- present) in Japan.  This episode is related to a rainy day.