Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ochaduke Party

sThe Ochaduke party is hosted on Saturday, July 26th. Five students participated in this party. (Thanks! ^_^)

Ochaduke is a simple Japanese food made by pouring green tea or stock over cooked rice. This day, our toppings are in the following list.

Ochaduke’s Ingredients

出汁(だし)= Stock/broth
昆布(こんぶ)= Kelp
鰹節(かつおぶし)= Dried bonito flakes
塩(しお)= Salt
醤油(しょうゆ)= Soy sauce

御飯(ごはん)= Cooked rice
鮭(さけ)= Salmon
乾燥納豆(かんそう なっとう)= Dry fermented soybeans
沢庵漬け(たくあんづけ)= Takuan pickles/pickled dried radish
高菜漬け(たかなづけ)=Takana pickles
きゅうり の塩もみ(きゅうり の しおもみ)= Sliced cucumbers kneaded with salt
梅干(うめぼし)= Dried plums/ Pickled plums
海苔(のり)= Seaweed
ふりかけ = A dry Japanese condiment/rice seasoning/sprinkled on rice
お茶漬け パック= Ochaduke pack

Salmon ,  Takuan Pickles, Takana Pickles
Seaweed, Dry fermented Soybeans, Cucumbers
Furikake packs, Ochaduke packs, Dried Plums

Students’ Comments:
I found ochaduke to be quite delicious. It was very filling. I enjoyed it a lot and would like to have it again some time.             - Jay

I didn't think I would like it because of the つけもの (Tsukemono) but I liked it a lot. The たくあん (Takuan) were fine when mixed in with other stuff and うめぼし (Umebshi) are good.  - John

I was worried about what Ochaduke would taste like but it actually wasn't that bad. It was hard to eat with the chopsticks. That was funny. I love learning about the different foods in Japan.      - Stephanie

It was so good that I forced a second bowl.   - Tiffany


  1. I was worried about what Ochaduke would taste like but it actually wasn't that bad. It was hard to eat with the chopsticks. That was funny. I love learning about the different foods in Japan. Thanks, Nami.

  2. I didn't think I would like it because of the つけもの but I liked it a lot. The たくあん were fine when mixed in with other stuff and うめぼし are good.
