Japanese Language & Culture

Nami Ohara teaches Japanese language and culture to students in St. John's, NL and also around the world via Skype Lessons. This blog is designed to provide Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff to enhance the learning experience of Japanese language students everywhere.
Japanese-na Nihongo (Facebook Group)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Movie Stars are in Japanese TV Commercials

Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, Orland Bloom, Clint Eastwood, Leonardo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis, Tommy Lee Jones… These are examples of the movie stars who are/were in Japanese TV commercials. Participating in a commercial is a productive way to make big money. These stars can earn huge money in a short time.

The most memorable Hollywood star in Japanese commercials for me is XXXXX. Currently, he is a politician. His commercials were a lot of fun. Japanese people enjoyed the gap of the characters between in his movies and commercials. We found XXXXX more approachable.

The following is about a canned coffee commercial, the previews of movies, Cup Noodle’s commercials, and Alinamin V’s (an energy drink) commercials.

In Alinamn V’s commercials, this movie star repeats “Chichin Bui Bui” and “Daijou Bui.” (This Bui stands for "Alinmin V's" V. Japanese people often pronouce V like Bui. )What are the meanings of these phrases? Please think about these phrases while watching. Also, a young Japanese actress, Rie Miyazawa in this commercial calls this movie star “XXX-chan.” It is cute, isn’t it? Many Japanese people called him by this nickname. His nickname and commercial increased his popularity.

In one of Cup Noodle’s commercials, you can see the word, “さ、どう” (Sa,dou) . This word has two meanings in this commercial. Please think about this meaning of the word, too.

The meanings of “Chichin VV” and “Daijou V.”

Chichin VV (Chichin pui pui + Alinami V (an energy drink) = Chichin VV)
Chichin pui pui is a Japanese charm.

Daijyou V (Daijyoubu + Alinami V (an energy drink) = Daijou V)
Daijoubu means all right, OK, fine, sure, and so on.

If you take this energy drink, this drink gives you a special charm, “Chichin VV”; then, you will be “Daijou V.”

The List of Commercials

1. West (a canned coffee drink)

2. The preview of “The Running Man.”

3. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
魔人V,来日。= Genie V has visited Japan

4. Cup Noodle
シュワルツネッガー、食べる。=Schwarzenegger Eats

5. Cup Noodle
シュワルツネッガー、食べる。=Schwarzenegger Eats

6. Cup Noodle
さ、どう。= Tea Ceremony, Would you like to have it?

7. Cup Noodle
さ、どう。= Tea Ceremony, Would you like to have it?

8. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
愛の人、魔人。= A person who loves people, Genie

9. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
魔人Vを呼べ。= Call Genie

10. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
魔人Vを呼べ。= Call Genie

11. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
with Miyazawa Rie (宮沢りえ)

12. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
with Miyazawa Rie (宮沢りえ)

13. Cup Noodle
カップヌードル カレー
シュワルツネッガー、カレーも食べる。=Schwarzenegger also eats curry (noodle)

14. Cup Noodle
ちから こぶる。= Perform + well developed biceps (a nonce word)

15. The preview of Total Recall

16. Cup Noodle
かかってきなさい。= Come on

17. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
ちちんブイブイ。だいじょーブイ。= ChichinVV DaijouV

18. Cup Noodle
大御礼。= Big expression of gratitude

19. Cup Noodle
お父さんは男です。= A father is a man.

20. Alinamin V (an energy drink)
V&V誕生。= Nativity of V & V

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Word of the Month for June

今月の単語(こんげつ の たんご)


てるてるぼうず てるぼうず あした てんき に してください。

てるてるぼうず(照る照る坊主)=A paper doll to which children pray for fine weather
てる(照る)= be fine, shine,
ぼうず(坊主)= a monk, a shaven head

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Song of the Month for June

今月の歌(こんげつ の うた)

I chose the following songs because June is a rainy season (梅雨、つゆ)in Japan.  Please guess the meaning of songs.  The lyrics are under each video.  I will upload the meaning of songs by the middle of June. Please come back to this blog page.


かえるのうたが きこえてくるよ
クワッ クワッ クワッ クワッ (くわっ くわっ くわっ くわっ)
クワッ クワッ クワッ(くわっ くわっ くわっ)

かえる = frog
がっしょう = choir

あめふり くまのこ

1.おやま に あめ が ふりました。
あとからあとから ふってきて
ちょろちょろ おがわが できました

あめふり= rainfall

くまのこ= cub (child bear)
おやま= mountain
おがわ = stream
できました = was made

2.いたずらくまのこ かけてきて
そっと のぞいて みてました
さかな が いるかと みてました

そっと = quietly
いたずら くまのこ = mischievous cub
のぞいて みてました = was looking in (the stream)
さかな = fish
みてました= was watching

3.なんにもいない と くまのこ は
おみず を ひとくち のみました
おてて で すくって のみました

なんにもいない = nothing (in the stream)
おみず= water
おてて= hands
のみました = drunk

4.それでも どこかに いるようで
もいちど のぞいて みてました
さかな を まちまち みてました

それでも = still, but
もいちど= one more time

5.なかなか やまない あめでした
かさ でも かぶって いましょう と
あたま に はっぱ を のせました

あめ = rain
かさ = umbrella
はっぱ= leaf
あたま = head
のせました = put on

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Passwords for the Month of June

今月の合言葉(こんげつ の あいことば)

I require that my students use passwords when they enter a classroom (before taking their lessons). If the password is not correct......^_^


こんにちは。おなまえ は?

(   )です。

今月の合言葉は何ですか。(こんげつ の あいことば は なんですか。)

もうすぐ夏休み うきうき! (もうすぐ なつやすみ うきうき!)


「うきうき」は、えいご で なんですか。

もうすぐ夏休み The summer vacation is coming (soon).

Everyone is looking forward to the summer vacation, so I chose this phrase as the passwords for June. After the first week of June, I will write the above dialogue in English. Please come back to this page!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Alien Jones - Investigating the Earth in Akihabara

Tommy Lee Jones is a character called “Alien Jones,” an extraterrestrial who takes the form of a human being to check on the world of the humans. This series of commercials started in 2006. In some ways these commercials are a bit of a social commentary on certain aspects of the current Japanese lifestyle.

(Emcee- Makoto Kitano)
We are in Akiba (Akihabatra). It is chilly now… very hot…

(Alien Jones)
The place is called Akihabara on this planet that it is charged with the weird heated atmosphere.

I am Cherry. I am Alice.

Akiba is looked like this.

(Alien Jones)
The only thing is that…

Moe Moe, Jyanken,
Jyanken pon, (rock, paper scissors)
(Moe = a Japanese slang word originally referring a strong interest in a particular type of character in video games, anime, or manga – Wikipedia).
Ah… I lost…

(Alien Jones)
Omu-rice (omelette and rice) on this planet is…

Aaaaa…n (Please, open your mouth) Pakun (describes the eating sound - mimesis). My heart is Kyun Kyun.(The thrill in my heart - mimesis)

(Alien Jones)

(Voice Over)
A canned coffee drink, BOSS, Rainbow Mountain.

Akihabara (秋葉原)
Its name is frequently shortened to Akiba in Japan. Akihabara is a major shopping area for electronic, computer, anime and otaku goods, including new and used items….(Wikipedia)

Maid Cafe (メイドカフェ)
After his work, Alien Jones is in a maid cafe. Maid cafes are a subcategory of cosplay restaurants. In these cafes, waitresses dressed in maid costumes act as servants, and treat customers as masters (and mistresses) in a private home. (Wikipedia)

Moe (萌え)
A Japanese slang word originally referring a strong interest in a particular type of character in video games, anime, or manga.

Meganekko Moe 鏡っ娘萌え
The type of maid in the commercial is called meganekko-moe.
Megane= eyeglasses


と、いうことでアキバのほうにやってまいりました。しかし、もうこの肌寒いのに・・・めちゃめちゃ熱い・・・to, iukoto de akiba no hou ni yatte mairi mashita. shikashi, mou kono hada zamuinoni....mecha mecha atsui...

この惑星の、秋葉原と言われる土地は、異様な熱気に包まれている。kono waku sei no akihabara to iwareru tochi wa iyou na nekki ni tsutsumarete iru.

(コスプレ ガールズ)
チェリーです。アリスで~す。cherii desu. arisu desu.

アキバはこんな風になってるらしいで~す。akiba wa konna fuu ni natteru rashii desu.

ただ・・・ tada...

萌え 萌え じゃんけん じゃんけん ポン!
moe moe jyanken jyanke pon! aaa....make te shimaimashita.
この惑星のオムライスは・・・ kono wakusei no omuraisu wa...

あ~ん ぱくん、「ぱく」きゅんきゅん しちゃいます。aaaaa....n, pakun, paku kyun kyun shichaimasu.

萌え・・・   moe...

缶コーヒーのボス、レインボーマウンテン  kan-koohii no bosu, rein bou maunten

Hollywood Star in a Japanese Commercial

Do you recognize the Hollywood star in this Japanese commercial?

XXXX is a character called “Alien xxxx,” an extraterrestrial who takes the form of a human being to check on the world of the humans. This series of commercials started in 2006.

In some ways these commercials are a bit of a social commentary on certain aspects of the current Japanese lifestyle.

Take note of the people in this restaurant, Yoshino-ya. Why do you think they would be in this restaurant at this time of day? What do you think of this lifestyle?

What is the “Alien xxxxx’s” report about?

The location = 吉野家(よしのや, Yoshino-ya
Yoshino-ya is the largest chain of beef bowl (牛丼、ぎゅうどん、gyuudon) restaurants.

English Translation

(First Man)
 I heard that Aliens have changed themselves into human beings and are living ordinary life in communities. Have you heard about this?

(Second Man)

(First Man)
Furthermore, after watching a movie, one of them changed himself into Tommy Lee Jones. I heard that they have been investigating the earth.

Thank you for the meal.

Thank you very much.

(Tommy Lee Jones)
In some ways the residents on this planet are stupid. (They are incomplete.) However, daybreak on the planet is beautiful

(Voice Over)
A canned coffee drink is BOSS.

(客1)宇宙人がさ 人間に紛(まぎ)れて 普通に生活してるって 話し知ってる?







宇宙人= うちゅうじん= uchuujin = an alien

人間 = にんげん = ningen = a human being

普通 = ふつう = futsuu = ordinary

生活=せいかつ= seikatsu = life

話し = はなし = hanashi = a topic

地球=ちきゅう = chikyuu = the earth

捜査 =そうさ = sousa = investigation

映画 = えいが= eiga = movie

トミー・リー・ジョーンズ = とみい・りい・じょおんず = Tommy Lee Jones

ごちそうさま = gochisousama = Thank you very much for a meal. 

惑星 = わくせい = wakusei = planet,

住人 = じゅうにん = juunin = a resident

夜明け = よあけ = yoake = dawn, daybreak, sunrise 

美しい = うつくしい = utsukushii = beautiful

缶コーヒー = かんこおひい = kan-koohii = coffee in a can
ボス = ぼす= bosu = BOSS

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Washing What???

My friend asked me the meaning of the following commercial.  I think that this ad uses curling because the players look like they are washing the floor with a mop. I did not know this sport when I was in Japan.

“It’s a car!”

“It’s a car!”

“It’s a car….!”

We are polishing (cars).

Our service is professional as well as reasonable (inexpensive).

Car-Washing Professionals!


「車だ!」 (くるまだ)



車磨いてます(くるま みがいてます)

洗車のプロ、しかも安い!(せんしゃ の ぷろ しかもやすい!)

洗車職人! (せんしゃしょくにん)

Kuruma da!

Kuruma da!

Kuruma da!

Kuruma migaitemasu

Sensha no puro, shikamo yasui!

Sensha shokunin

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Foggiest Town in the World - Newfoundland, Canada

The NHK BS Hi-Vision is going to broadcast about St. John's, Newfoundland as "the foggiest town in the world" in the travelogue program, Premium 8.  Oh....I'd love to watch the program in Japan.

(NHK - Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

Broadcast Date -  Wednesday, May 19th & 26th
Time - 8:00-9:30 pm

プレミアム8 <紀行>「世界で一番霧に覆われる街  カナダ・セントジョンズ」



NHK BShi Premium 8 "The foggiest town in the world - Canada"

At the far eastern end of Canada, on the eastern tip of the island of Newfoundland, lies the port city of St. John's. Covered in fog a full one-third of the time, St. John's is the foggiest city in the world. In this program, we investigate the lives and consult the practical wisdom of those for whom fog is a daily part of life.

Fog that gathers more often than in any other region of the world. Fog that sank the Titanic. Undaunted by the dangerous fog, the descendants of immigrants have lived and worked in Newfoundland for generations. Located at the far eastern tip of Canada, on the eastern coast of the island of Newfoundland, the port city of St. John's, with a population of around 100,000, was originally build by Irish immigrants. Covered in fog a full one-third of the time, this is the foggiest city in the world. Newfoundland's offshore fishery is one of the most productive in the world. Poet, Akikawa Testuta examines the lives and consults the wisdom of those for whom fog is a daily part of life.

"N.L. fog to be featured on Japanese TV" (CBC.ca) (April 10, 2010)

St. John's is notorious for its thick, dense fog — so famous, in fact, that it's being featured on a Japanese television show.

A crew from the Japan Broadcasting Corporation is in Newfoundland and Labrador for the next 10 days to film an upcoming episode of their program about world record holders. St. John's holds the world record for being the foggiest major city in Canada with 124 foggy days a year (.........read more)

Friday, May 14, 2010

When I Grow Up...

大(おお)きくなったら 何(なに)になりたいですか。

Ookiku nattara nanini naritai desuka.
What do you want to be when you grow up?

May 5th is Children’s Day (in Japan) which is a day set aside to respect children’s personalities and to celebrate their happiness. Japanese families raise carp streamers outside of the houses or display dolls or samurai helmets inside of the houses. On Children's Day, parents often ask their children what  they want to be when they grow up.

In Japanese language lessons, I asked my students, “What do you want to be when you grow up” to my students? They wrote their answers using a Japanese calligraphy pen (called 筆(ふで)Fude). Then, we made carp streamers or other things which related to Children’s Day with origami and displayed them is next to their writings.

Please try to read what they want to be when they grow up. ^_^

げんごがくしゃ に なりたいです   ティファニー
I want to be a linguist. by Tiffany (origami – samurai helmet かぶと- 兜)

ポップ歌手になりたです   ステファニー
I want to be a pop singer. by Stephany (origami – swallowつばめ - 燕)

えいご の せんせい に なりたい です    えま
I want to be an English Teacher.  by Emma (origami – carp streamerこいのぼり- 鯉のぼり)

こくさいてき な びようし に なりたいです  ジェイ
I want to be an international hair dresser.  by Jay

めかにかるえんじにあ に なりたいです   ぶれっと
I want to be a mechanical engineer.  by Brett (origami – windmill and armor's pantsやぐるま&よろい - 矢車 & 鎧)

ビデオゲームプログラマーに なりたいです   ジョーダン
I want to be a video game programmer. by Jordan (origami – samurai helmet かぶと - 兜)

ロックギタリスト に なりたいです    ジョン カシン
I want to be a rock guitarist. by John Cashin

かしゅ に なりたいです     エベリーナ
I want to be a singer.  by Evelina (origami – carp streamer こいのぼり - 鯉のぼり)

ほんやくしゃ に なりたいです    アレクサ
I want to be a translator. by Alexa. (origami - windmill やぐるま - 矢車)

シェフ と ミュージシャン に なりたいです  スチュアート
I want to be a chef and a musician. by Stuart (origami - windmill やぐるま - 矢車)

ぱいろっと に なりたいです  でぃあな (origami – carp streamerこいのぼり - 鯉のぼり)
I want to be a pilot.  by Diana

作家 に なりたいです    トム ルーク (origami – samurai with helmet and armour さむらい - 侍)
I want to be a writer.  by Tom Luke

ミュージカル スターに なりたいです  小原奈美
I want to be a musical star. by Ohara Nami

フィクションさっか に なりたいです  ジョン ハンチャー  
I want to be a fiction writer.  by John Hanchar (origami- carp streamer こいのぼり - 鯉のぼり)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kyuushoku - Japanese School Lunch

Kyushoku (給食-きゅうしょく)means a school lunch. Most of Japanese elementary and junior high schools provide school lunches to students.


These school lunch pictures are from a friend of mine, Daniel. Currently, he works for public junior high and high schools as an English assistant teacher in Kagawa prefecture which is located in Shikoku Island. Please visit the following websites if you would like to see more school lunch pictures.


I found the news program which introduce about the Japanese Kyushoku.

In a Japanese classroom, the children are divided into groups (called han). Each han takes the role/duty to pick up classmates’ lunches in a school kitchen, carry lunches to the classroom, and serve them. That duty is called Kyushoku-touban (給食当番-きゅうしょくとうばん). I remember that I wore the white Kyushoku-apron and cap when I took this duty. I brought this apron and cap home on the weekend and washed and ironed them to pass it to the next classmate on Monday who took this duty next week.

Students greet “いただきますItadakimasu” together and start eating. Itadakimasu means “Thank you for the food.” When I was a student (xx years ago), we had to eat everything which we were served. Most students did not have any problems to finish all of them. However, a few students were in tears as they tried to eat them all. I do not think that it is strict anymore. (I believe that students are encouraged to eat the whole meal.) I remember that we enjoyed chatting or playing games (such as a card game) while waiting for Kyushoku.

Through the school lunch system, students learn a lot of things such as nutrition, eating manners, responsibility, and so on. School lunch time is also considered as a part of school education which is called 食育(しょくいく)

Educations is 教育(きょういく).

What do you think about Kyushoku? Would you like to eat it?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Washlet Commercial

ウォッシュレット とりかえ中(Washlet Torikae-chuu)

I have a question. The following CM plays on words.

Bird (とり Tori ) + Frog (かえる Kaeru ) = ???

It’s a cute commercial, isn’t it?

おたく の ウォッシュレット とりかえどき?

とりとりかえる とりかえる とりかえる だけで  オートかいへい
とりかえる だけで  オートかいへい

とりとりかえる とりかえる とりかえる だけで   オートせんじょう
とりかえる だけで   オートせんじょう

とりかえる だけで オートかいへい “と” オートせんじょう “が” いちだいで


Toritori kaeru torikaeru torikaeru dakede ooto kaihei
Toeikaeru dakede ooto kaihei
Toritori kaeru torikaeru torikaeru dakede ooto senjou
Torikaeru dakede ooto senjou
Otaku no washlet
Torikaerudakede ooto kaihei to ooto senjou ga ichidai de
Ooto aprikotto

リモデル remodel
おたく(お宅)your home 
とりかえどき(取り替え時) It’s time to replace
オートかいへい(開閉)automatic open and close 
オートせんじょう(洗浄)automatic flushing
おたく(お宅)your home
とりかえるだけ(取り替えるだけ)just/only replace
と and
が (* topic  marker)
いちだい(一台)one unit
オートアプリコット  Auto Apricot (TOTO’s product name)

とりかえ中(とりかえちゅう)during replacement

Now, you know the answer

とり(鳥)bird + かえる(蛙)frog =  "とりかえる(取り替える)replace" 

The actor in this CM is Watanabe Marina(渡辺満里奈).What do you think how old is she?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Japanese Fanta Commercial (Funny!)

I would like to introduce the Japanese Fanta commercials.  These commercials are about Japanese classrooms. Which teacher is the funniest for you? Which teacher is your favourite? I love the Shogun Teacher! I like the phrase “Zu ga takai!.” This phrase reminds me the Japanese costume drama, “水戸黄門 (Mito Koumon).” You would know this meaning of this phrase from the following CM. Have fun!  

3年 (さんねん) A組(ぐみ)  皮ジャン先生(かわじゃんせんせい)  

Oh! Yeah…. B-a-b-y… Bayby!


San-nen A-gumi Kawajyan-sensei
Juken mani aukanaa..
Mousugu natsu daze! Shin Fanta!
受験 (juken) an entrance examination
夏 (natsu) summer
新  (shin) new

3年C組 ドラゴン先生 (どらごんせんせい)

(叫び・・・) さけび・・・


San-nen C-gumi Doragon-sensei

(Sakebi…)Hai, koko tesuto ni demaasu.
Shingakki dayo! Shin-Fanta! Gureepu-Furuutsu deta!
叫び  (sakebi) screaming
新学期  (shingakki) a new semester

3年B組 激安先生(げきやす せんせい)

1(いち)9(きゅっ)8(ぱ)のビデオデッキが2割引(にわりびき) ボーナス一括払い(いっかつばらい)で5%オフ  今(いま)ならポイント還元(かんげん)が13%ついて、さて いくら。



San-nen B-gumi Gekiyasu sensei
Ichi kyu ppa no bideo dekki ga niwari-biki. Boonasu ikkatsu barai de 5% ofu. Imanara pointo kanngen ga 13% tsuite
6wari biki dattayo
Natsuyasumi dayo! Shin-Fanta! Piichi deta!
夏休み  summer vacation
2割引  20% discount
5%オフ  5% off/discount

3年F組 DJ先生

次次次の問題は~ (つぎ つぎ つぎ の もんだい は~)
山山山下さん~ (やま やま やました さん~)




ファンタ スイーティー出(で)た!

San-nen F-gumi DJ Sensei!
Tsugi tsgugi tsugi no mondai wa
Yama yama yama shita san…
San Ekkusu desu.
Kidutsuku wa…
Fanta Sweety deta!
次の問題 (tsugi no mondai) next question

3年G組 将軍先生(しょうぐん せんせい)  

授業(じゅぎょう)じゃ  この問題(もんだい)がわかるものはおるか・・・ おらんのか・・・




すっきり さっぱりファンタ

Jugyo jya… kono mondai ga wakaru mono wa oruka… oran noka…
Zuga takai…
Dousurya iinoyo…
Sukkiri sappari Fanta
授業 (jugyou)  class
問題  (mondai) question
頭 (zu) head

3年J組 つっぱり先生

漢字(かんじ)テストだ こりゃあ



とろぴかるふるうつ だっ・・・

そんな むちゃな・・・

ファンタ! 春(はる)なのに トロピカルフルーツ! 

Kanji tesuto da koryaa…
Yokota sannen dattara yomerudaro konokurai
Toropicaru furuutsu daa…
Sonna mucha na…
Fanta! Haru nanoni Toropicaru Furuutsu!
かんじ  Chinese/Kanji characters
はる  Spring

3年H組 昼(ひる)メロ先生



今(いま)さら なによ






夏(なつ)のファンタ すもも

San-nen H-gumi Hirumero-sensei
Mashou no kuniwa…
Imasara naniyo
Orega warukatta…
Kono dorobou neko
Jugyou shiroyo
Natsu no Fanta Sumomo.

3年F組 黒ひげ先生(くろひげせんせい)




San-nen F-gumi Kurohige-sensei
Souji touban desu.
Sonnano arikayo
Sukkirishitai! Fanta!

そうじ cleaning
当番 being on duty

夏休(なつやす)みだよ   校長先生(こうちょうせんせい)





ファンタ! さっぱりピーチ出(で)た!

Natsuyasumi dayo. Kouchou sensei.
Kouchou no hanashi da!
Ashita kara natsuyasumi no hazu deshitaga…chikoku ya inemuri de rosu taimu ga arunode ichigakki wo zokkou shimasu.
Mou iya!
Fanta! Sappari piichi deta!
明日(ashita) tomorrow
遅刻 (cikoku) lateness
居眠り (inemuri) nap
ロスタイム (rosutaimu) overtime

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Travel to Japan in Summer 2010

After eight years of dreaming of being able to go to Japan, this year Stephanie decided she would finally make that dream come true. With a year and a half of Japanese lessons she hopes knows enough Japanese to make conversing a little on her trip.
Please visit Stephanie's Travel Bog   http://feverandfuture.com/blog/

"Yokoso Japan" (Welcome to Japan) gives you a lot of good information for people who want to visit Japan!

Funny Japanese TV Commercial

I found that the above Japanese CM in the YouTube as a popular Japanese CM. Please try to catch the Japanese sounds. This CM has English subtitles. (Some of translations are not correct.)  It is not a moving company's commercial.  ^_^    What commercial is this?

トラックの広告Torakku no koukoku (the advertisement on the track)
ひっこし野郎  ガッツあります。出します。

Hikkoshi yarou Gattsu arimasu, dashimasu.

トラックの中 Trakku no naka (in the truck)
あっ!うわあ~ 可愛いなあ みんな可愛くないっすか。この町すごいっすね。決めてよかったなあ。
Aaa! Uwaa….Kawaiinaa minna kawaiku naissuka. Konomachi sugoissune. Kimete yokattanaa…

講義室 Kougishitsu (in a lecture room)

(携帯の音)cell phone’s sound
もしもし・・・うん、みかちゃん あっ まんなか うん ここ ここ ここだよ
おはよう。よかったあ まにあって   



(Keitai no oto)
Moshimoshi…un, Mika-chan A...mannaka Un koko koko koko dayo
Ohayou. Youkattaa…maniatte
Nee nee jisho motteru
(motteru)wake naiyan…

Ohayou gozaimasu. Soredewa jugyou wo hajimemasu. Ichinenkan kougi wo tantou shimasu Kobayashi desu.

コーヒーショップ Koohii shoppu ( in a coffee shop)
桜井先生だったらさあ  セクハラじゃなくて・・・


Sakurai-sensei dattara saa.. sekuharajya nakute…
Tatoe mune sawararetemo sekuhara jya…
Wakaru wakaru…

Gochumon okimari desuka?

校庭 Koutei (in a school yard)
あー あー アベマリア
Aaa…aaa… abe maria…

夜の街 Yoruno machi (an entertainment area in the night)

きゃあ いった~い 痛いじゃないですか。

Kawaiiko ga ookute bikkurishiterunn desho. Eee….donoko ga taipu
Ara naniga kiniiranaino?

Kyaa…Ittaa…i itaijya naidesuka.

ベッドの中 Beddo no naka (in the bed)




Nee, watashi no dokoga yokattano?
Koe kana, koe…
Aaaa…watashi sakkaa toka mini ikanaikara

サッカースタジアム Sakkaa stajiamu (in a soccer stadium)
行け~ 行け~  行け~  行け~    行け~


Ikee….Ikee… Ikee.. Ikee....  Ikee....
Nnnn…mata koe karechauyo

Friday, May 7, 2010

Warm Water Cleaning Toilet: Washlet

A warm water cleaning toilet seat is very popular (becomes common) in Japan. The most well known brand is called Washlet (by ToTo). Also, we should not forget the brand, Shower Toile (by Inax).
This is my family's washroom in Japan. My parents bought and installed it around 24 years ago. It is a very old type of Washlet, but it still works very well.  The key point is over the tank. We can save a lot of water. (I heard that new one has more various functions such as massage, self-cleaning, automatic open and close lid functions... and so on. I would like to use a massage function if I have a chance.) 

This is a public washroom's Washlet. Currently, many public washrooms (in department stores, hotels,  hospitals, or office buildings) installed Washlets. Sound Princess (音姫 Otohime)is a key point in "female" public washrooms.

This is also a public washroom. Many public washrooms provides a paper sheet cover.

This is a traditional style of Japanese toilet. We have to squat when.... We can still see this type of toilets all over the places in Japan. I have lived in Canada for 10 years, so, I found that it is difficult to use this type toilet now.  Actually, this type of toilet is very good to train our knees and legs. I would like to introduce Japanese elderly people to you. Their legs and knees are very strong because they squat a lot in their life style. We can see many elderly people (around 80 years old) ride a bicycle to go shopping in Japan.

ウォッシュレット   Washlet
シャワートイレ     Shower Toile
音姫(おとひめ)Sound Princess
トイレットペーパー Toilet Paper

This is my speech when I participated in a humorous speech contest in Toastmasters.

The Title - "Flash with Success"

A washroom is a secret and mysterious place. I’ve learned about Canada through using Canadian washrooms. Canadian toilet culture is like Canadian culture in general: very open. The toilet stall doors in public washrooms are open from top to bottom and there are gaps between the door and the frame. I’m afraid of someone peeping at what I am doing. Good evening Toastmasters. Today, I will tell you about the three secrets of the Japanese toilet culture.

The first secret! The keyword is SIT DOWN! When Japanese people do their business, we must sit down—and I did say sit—. Probably it would be difficult for you because you would need to concentrate. If you lost your concentration, you might miss the target. For Japanese, squatting is not a problem because we have been trained since we were small children. Me? I am gooooood! Actually, maybe I lost my toilet technique because I’ve lived in Canada since 1999. Now, I’m afraid of going back to Japan.

The second secret! The keyword is BE DIESCRETE. For Japanese women, it’s very shameful to make any noise on the toilet in public washrooms. How do we avoid making these sounds? We flush the toilet while we are doing our business. If woman had to be in a stall for a long time, she would have to flush many times. Using so much water costs a lot, so some public bathrooms have a special machine that makes a flush sound. This machine is called Otohime which means SOUND PRINCESS. However, this machine cannot make the exact same sound of flushing water. Many women feel embarrassed when they use a Sound Princess, so they do still flush. Last summer, I went back to Japan and used a public washroom. Holly Smoke! I forgot to flush during doing! … I lost my Japanese shyness. By the way, I’ve learned from Canada which told me each person makes different noise.

The third secret! The keyword is WASH! Japanese likes high-technology not only for cameras but also for toilets. Today, most of Japanese people use high-tech toilets, called Wash-let, and they are very nice. These high-tech toilets have special functions. First, the toilet seats can be warmed, so even on a cold day, it is comfortable to go to the washroom. Second, when we press a button, a nozzle emerges and it sprays water with which we wash our private parts. We can adjust the strength, temperature, and position of the water jet. Third, after the washing, when we press another button, air comes out to dry our private parts. These functions are very convenient for people who are struggling with haemorrhoids. Oh… are you struggling with…you should import the Washlet from Japan. Also this Washlet provides a very well-regulated schedule to many Japanese. If people felt constipated, the Washlet encourages their movement. After that, the water completely cleans their private parts. Many Japanese appreciate the Washlet; they feel fresh every day. The Washlet supports the Japanese hard working and methodical culture.

Japanese toilet culture is very different from that of Canada. Three key words, sit down, be discrete, and wash describes the secret and pleasant Japanese toilet culture. If you have a chance to go to Japan, please check our bathroom behaviour carefully.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Song of the Month for May: Tomato

I introduce the song of the month on my website, www.oharaconsulting.ca The song of the month is “Tomato.” It is a very cute song, isn’t it?

トマトって可愛い名前だね Tomato tte kawaii namae dane
上から読んでもトマト Uekara yondemo Tomato
下から読んでもトマト Shitakara yondemo tomato

トマトってなかなかお洒落だね Tomato tte nakanaka oshare dane
小さい時には青い服 Chiisaitoki niwa aoi-fuku
大きくなったら赤い服 Ookiku nattara akai-fuku

Nakanaka - very
Kawaii namae– cute name
Ue – the top
Kara - from
Yondemo – read
Shita – the bottom
Oshare - fashionableness
Chiisaitoki-When (a tomato) is small
Aoi fuku – blue clothes
Ookiitoki -When (a tomato) grow up
Akai fuku – red clothes

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Passwords for the Month of May 

The Passwords for the Month of May  今月の合言葉

I require that my students use passwords when they contact me through the intercom before taking their lessons. I started this activity after I moved to a new place in February. It sounds fun, right?

In March, I used “Open Sesame 開け胡麻 Hirake goma”as a well-known password. It is from the adventure tale of “Ali Baba and the Forty Thievesアリババと40人の盗賊 Alibaba to yonjuu-nin no touzoku.

In April, I chose “Spring Has Come春が来た Haru ga kita.” I picked this phrase from a children’s song “Spring Has Come.”

Then, this month’s password is “May 5th is Children’s Day 五月五日はこどもの日ですGogatsu itsuka wa kodomo no hi desu.”

Do you have any good ideas for June’s password? June is a rainy season 梅雨 in Japan, so I have been thinking of password which should be related to rain. ^_^

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How do you do?

My name is Nami Ohara and I teach Japanese language and culture in St. John's Newfoundland. You can find out more about the classes, services and fun Japanese activities offered by my company, Ohara Consulting, by going to http://www.oharaconsulting.ca/.

I am planning to post short Japanese lessons, notes on Japanese culture and lots of other fun Japanese related stuff on this blog. Keep checking to add to your Japanese vocabulary and find out more about all things Japanese. :)

始めまして、小原奈美です。カナダのニューファンドランド州のセントジョンズで日本語を教えています。私のビジネスウェブサイトをhttp://www.oharaconsulting.ca/見てくださいね。このブログでは, 日本語のレッスンのことや日本文化, その他もろもろ・・・紹介したいと思っています。どうぞよろしく。