Do you recognize the Hollywood star in this Japanese commercial?
XXXX is a character called “Alien xxxx,” an extraterrestrial who takes the form of a human being to check on the world of the humans. This series of commercials started in 2006.
In some ways these commercials are a bit of a social commentary on certain aspects of the current Japanese lifestyle.
Take note of the people in this restaurant, Yoshino-ya. Why do you think they would be in this restaurant at this time of day? What do you think of this lifestyle?
What is the “Alien xxxxx’s” report about?
The location = 吉野家(よしのや, Yoshino-ya)
Yoshino-ya is the largest chain of beef bowl (牛丼、ぎゅうどん、gyuudon) restaurants.
English Translation
(First Man)
I heard that Aliens have changed themselves into human beings and are living ordinary life in communities. Have you heard about this?
(Second Man)
(First Man)
Furthermore, after watching a movie, one of them changed himself into Tommy Lee Jones. I heard that they have been investigating the earth.
Thank you for the meal.
Thank you very much.
(Tommy Lee Jones)
In some ways the residents on this planet are stupid. (They are incomplete.) However, daybreak on the planet is beautiful
(Voice Over)
A canned coffee drink is BOSS.
(客1)宇宙人がさ 人間に紛(まぎ)れて 普通に生活してるって 話し知ってる?
宇宙人= うちゅうじん= uchuujin = an alien
人間 = にんげん = ningen = a human being
普通 = ふつう = futsuu = ordinary
生活=せいかつ= seikatsu = life
話し = はなし = hanashi = a topic
地球=ちきゅう = chikyuu = the earth
捜査 =そうさ = sousa = investigation
映画 = えいが= eiga = movie
トミー・リー・ジョーンズ = とみい・りい・じょおんず = Tommy Lee Jones
ごちそうさま = gochisousama = Thank you very much for a meal.
惑星 = わくせい = wakusei = planet,
住人 = じゅうにん = juunin = a resident
夜明け = よあけ = yoake = dawn, daybreak, sunrise
美しい = うつくしい = utsukushii = beautiful
缶コーヒー = かんこおひい = kan-koohii = coffee in a can
ボス = ぼす= bosu = BOSS
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